Since then we kept texting each other and thats where it goes... we go out almost everyday,,,hang out and talked to each other..somehow i find her like a click for me...she seems to have many things in common with me...thats where the love grew more towards her...and i finally told her that i liked her and she actually can't really decide at that moment because of her past...
So i waited for her...and that's where she saw my sincerity towards her and finally she accepts me bit by bit as days passes by... and a lot of obstacles too...but then somehow i jus being myself and do whatever i think is right,,,and prayer too,,,:) finally after few days later she accepted me to be her bf...and i jumped with joy,,:) for now me n her are feeling so happy n glad to have each other in our life.,:) Thank God that i have someone like her in life...and i thank her for cheering up my daya,,,and for the wakeup call everymornin..:)

This is My sunshine :) "He" loves [BaBy Edna] :)